Latest Developments and Trends in the Turkish Property Market

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Latest Developments and Trends in the Turkish Property Market

Turkey continues to have an attractive property market for both domestic and foreign investors. The country’s geographical location, touristic potential and economic dynamism cause significant developments in the property sector. Let’s examine the current trends and developments observed in the Turkish property market recently and provide a useful overview for investors and homeowners.

  1. Property Prices Continue to Increase

In 2020 and 2021, there were fluctuations in property markets around the world due to the global pandemic. However, Turkey’s property market attracted attention with its resilience during this period. Recently, property prices continue to increase, especially in big cities. The demand and supply imbalance continues to affect housing prices upwards.

  1. Urban Transformation and Renewal Projects

Turkey aims to strengthen the infrastructure of cities through urban transformation projects. Projects such as renovation of risky buildings, construction of modern residences and improvement of living spaces have a positive impact on the property market. These projects offer new opportunities for investors and contribute to the aesthetic and functional development of cities.

  1. Digitalisation Facilitates Property Transactions

Technological developments also have an impact on the real estate sector. Innovations such as online property platforms, digital marketing strategies and virtual tours make it easier for both buyers and sellers. Especially in an environment where physical contact is limited during the pandemic, digital solutions have gained great importance.

  1. Focal Points of Interest of Foreign Investors

Turkey has also become the centre of attention of foreign investors. Touristic regions of the country are preferred for both holiday and investment purposes. Especially coastlines and historical regions attract foreigners’ interest in buying property. Turkey’s investment incentives and international agreements also continue to attract foreign investors.

  1. Sustainability and Green Property Trend

Globally, sustainability and environmentally friendly approaches are gaining more and more importance. This trend is also effective in the property sector. Green buildings, energy-efficient residences and environmentally friendly designs attract the attention of both investors and buyers. At this point, sustainability certificates also increase the value of property projects.

Future Outlook for the Turkish Property Market

Turkey’s property market continues to look to the future with hope with its dynamic structure. The increase in property prices, urban transformation projects, technological developments, interest of foreign investors and sustainability trend are among the prominent developments of the sector. Those considering property investment should make their decisions in the most accurate way by closely following current developments. Professional property consultants offer important guidance to anticipate future trends and evaluate the best opportunities.

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